洋書 Elizabeth Van Wie Davis & Rouben Azizian (編)『イスラム、石油、地政学:アメリカ同時多発テロ事件後の中央アジア(Islam, Oil, And Geopolitics: Central Asia After September 11)』308ページ/定価:55ドル/2007年出版\r\r編者略歴:「Elizabeth Van Wie Davis is professor of regional studies at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Rouben Azizian is professor of policy studies at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.」\r\r内容:「Once an obscure and littleknown region, Central Asia has become an important test of America's ability to consistently promote global liberal change, of Russia's true foreign policy agenda, and of China's readiness to translate economic power into political influence. Terrorism, economics, and politics all converge in this strategic region, with important implications for Asia and the world. This significant and timely volume helps readers understand current events in Central Asia and how those events affect the rest of the world.」\r\rサイズ:22.8 X 15.3 X 2.1 cm\r\r※他にも本を出品しています。まとめ買い歓迎です。1品追加で150円値引きします。