表紙カバーの下部の一部に8ミリほどの破れがありますが、他は綺麗な状態です。#AmericanSurfacesも出品しています#UncommonPlacesも出品していますウィリアム・エグルストンとともにアメリカン・ニューカラーを代表する写真家、スティーブン・ショア(ステファン・ショア)による傑作写真集『Uncommon Places』北米のありふれた風景を大判のカラー写真で撮影。1982年に出版された元版に、新たに60点の作品を付け加えた増補完全版(2004年出版)。Originally published in 1982, Stephen Shore’s legendary Uncommon Places has influenced a generation of photographers. Among the first artists to take colour beyond the domain of advertising and fashion photography, Shore’s large-format colour work on the American vernacular landscape stands at the root of what has become a vital photographic tradition over the past thirty years. Uncommon Places: The Complete Works is the definitive collection of this landmark series. An essay by noted critic and curator Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen and a conversation with Shore by fiction writer Lynne Tillman examine his methodology as they elucidate his roots in the pop and conceptual art movements of the late sixties and early seventies.